Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How to Cleaning the wound on the body

cleaning the wound on the body
cleaning the wound on the body, each person must have experienced injuries, if these scars are in calves, thighs, arms or face we definitely want to immediately remove and if imprint, we also wanted to eliminate in order to clean and look healthy and beauty, eliminate scars old or new is not easy.

If the scars are not treated properly it can be wound will never be lost forever. The following live beautypedia will give you tips, how to eliminate injuries.

Live beauty pedia article
is to use the leaves of aloe vera, aloe vera plant is commonly known as a natural hair grower plants and discolor. Aloe vera is also used for skin care. No wonder, because the lignin content and amino acids contained in this plant can moisturize the skin and regenerate skin cells. Aloe vera also has an anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation of the skin and get rid of scars. The trick is to apply aloe slime on a regular basis so that the scars of the wounds may soon disappear and you can appear healthy and beauty.

the second is

namely by using mint leaves, plants popularly known as Mentha Piperita is a herb that is widely used for a variety of products such as toothpaste, mouthwash and and many others. In addition, mint leaves also have good benefits for skin health. and mint leaves are often used to help acne, burns, and even too powerful to remove the scar. The trick, take a few leaves of mint. Rinse and blend to form a scrub. then apply to the wound, let sit, then rinse, do it regularly so that your wound immediately disappear.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Tips How to Remove Blackheads For Beauty

Tips How to Remove Blackheads For Beauty and Healthy, Blackheads are a buildup of dirt of germs on skin pores. Generally the most often becomes an easy target is the area around the nose and eyes. For blackheads that commonly experienced by most people is blackheads black caused by dust and dirtstick to the face that resulted in large porous germs accumulate. A blackhead isgenerally mixed with dirt and sweat, not only can interfere with the appearance, butcan also cause acne because of the dirt and germs that also scatter the black, blackheads are a type of blackheads that most widely experienced by people. Types ofblackhead on this one is more difficult because it requires a slight wound to be removed to take out the blackheads. live beautypedia will give you tips if you haveblackheads, following tips from livebeautypedia.

our other interesting articles from livebeautypedia

the first one, the same as eliminating acne, namely by using egg white-the white part of the egg contains high protein that can smooth the skin of the face and make itbrighter. and to use them simply apply egg white on the nose, which had blackheads.wait a few minutes and washed using warm water.

How To Cope With Bad Breath For Healthy

How To Cope With Bad Breath For Healthy and Beauty Appear Perfect, bad breath usually results we are not confident, bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in our mouths, resulting in thrush and slimy, it is the result of our mouth odor, bad breath can also occur due to our bad habits, frequent smoking, bad breath can also be attributed, good oral hygiene is not of course be a major source of bad breath. If you do not brush your teeth with a clean, then the rest of the food will be broken down by bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds chemical gas that causes our mouth odor, but it could be because we are a dry mouth, lack of drinking water intake or the presence of dry mouth and dry mouth can make emit odor. If you have bad breath, live beauty pedia will provide a solution.

Interesting Articles Our previous:

1. The first with a lot of drinking Water. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, to avoid bad breath, because if your mouth is dry, it will be the cause of bad breath. Because Water is actually very beneficial to increase the production of saliva in your mouth, so it is very helpful way to maintain oral hygiene in order tehindar of bacteria due to dry mouth.

How to Overcome Oily Face Looks For Beauty

Overcome Oily Face
How to Overcome Oily Face Looks For Beauty - Oily face are often experienced by every man, woman, and bitter melon, same experience, blindly face looks dull and less shine until no visible aura of beauty, and make us less confident because our face dull,

and oily, if your face looks very clean, it will increase our confidence in the will and confidence of others. And if your face is oily, consider this article, a live beauty pedia, will discuss how to cope with oily face that seemingly beauty and healthy.
Here's how to cope with oily face.

1. srup use, take the time to perform maintenance on this one, scrup can make your own out of natural materials, or buy beauty products made from natural herbs, but if you buy beauty products, you should verify that the product has been tested and genuine .

Saturday, 15 November 2014

How to remove black spots acne scars for performing beauty

Black Stains, caused by acne
How to remove black spots acne scars for performing beauty - when you're experiencing acne on the face, you will feel the itch to squeeze pimples, thus resulting in blackening and leave marks on your face.

Acne scars are depleted stain you push is often shaped black spots, also called black spots, of course, your face will not look clean and bright again. This is because when you squeeze pimples, to remove blackheads on your face, will result in injury to your face, so it bleeds, and when it is dry and cured, will imprint your face, and make you less confident and less visible aura of your beauty , following the live beauty pedia, will give you tips to overcome them, so that your face looks beauty and healthy so that when you are confident fashion.

Articles to increase your beauty .

Here are tips to eliminate dark spots acne scars.

1. Use egg white. eggs can be used as the most potent acne scars to get rid of acne scars and acne blemishes. Use material regularly for maximum results. To get rid of stubborn acne scars on the face, you can make a potion of eggs and honey mask. Eggs used is egg white and honey mask to use more perfect. This method is one of the best ways to eliminate or remove the black spots on the face.
Then use a mask of pomegranate rind way you do is to take the skin of pomegranates, after the skin roasted, then ground into a soft paste-like. You are also able to add a bit of milk mixture and lemon juice to a rolling pin into a very smooth feel when applied to your face. Use regularly for maximum is immediately see results, your face will be bright and dark spots on your face will disappear and you can you appear healthy beauty.

2. Use of fish oil. Fish oil also can we use to remove the black stains or spots on the face, the way is also very easy to stab with a sharp object on the fish's body, after which the child out of her fish oil apply on existing blemishes by using massage-massage in order seep into the face do activities on a regular basis, and in a few days you will see the effect on your face glow.

3. The consumption of fruits rich in Vitamin C. As: Citrus fruits, guava, etc., are rich in Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant to neutralize free radicals in our body. Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C every day is very helpful to eliminate black spots and stains on your face. Besides fruits that contain vitamin C, you can use to mask, such as lemon. You can also to try it in a more simple or easy to implement vitamin C crushed and rubbed on the spots black spots on your face.

4. by using honey, honey can be used for the treatment of disease. Honey is also widely used for cosmetic ingredients, as a danger both for beauty and health. and honey are also able to eliminate the black spots on the face. Apply just a little honey gets a black mark on our face. Let stand then rinse, and do it regularly in order to have maximum results.

so, this tips for remove black spots acne scars , for healthy and beauty

Created by : live beauty pedia #Beauty , #helathy #RemoveAcne

Friday, 14 November 2014

Tips How To Naturally Redden Lips for Beauty

Tips How To Naturally Redden Lips for Beauty and Healthy live, Lips is something very important for women, red lips is one of the conditions required to be the possession of a woman, a lot of women who want to get healthy lips rosy in various ways, but gained rosy lips is actually not difficult. we need only natural ingredients, following the live beauty pedia will provide Tips How To Naturally Redden Lips for Beauty.

Number One

The first, using natural ingredients that is to make use of honey, Honey is rich in nutrients and has many health benefits. It can be used to nourish the body, it turns honey can also be used to help redden lips. You can use honey instead of lip balm to moisturize the lips that is the way, which is very easy, you just need to smear honey on your lips until evenly upon each before going to sleep, so sheep we maintained the humidity, and became red like a dream. but if you do not have honey, can replace it with toothpaste, you can use toothpaste as an alternative way to make your lips look naturally red. The trick is the same that is by applying toothpaste on your lips every time before you go to bed. Toothpaste will dry out your lips. and when she woke up rinse and see the results, it appears red and dazzling.

Number Two

Or you can also use cold water which is very healthy, because it is the most simple and safe pling, because without intending to make lips look naturally red too, we are sure to drink water that has been cooled. The aim is to reproduce drinking water to keep your lips are not chapped and will be healthier. and also diligent to clean the mouth with cold water before bed. It aims to maintain the cleanliness of the rest of the lipstick and lip dust menepel, it makes us healthy lips, so red dazzle

Number Three

then it could also use cucumber, in addition to skin , refreshing fruit has properties that can refresh your lips. Fresh and healthy lips would automatically be a red color. You can use a slice of cucumber and rub it on the lips instead of lip balm, so the humidity was maintained

created by : live Beauty Pedia #skin #beauty #tips

Tips Smooth Hair Free Skin for Beauty Live

Smooth Hair Free Skin Tips for Beauty Live, live in beautiful indeed dearer women, one of them by making them healthy skin and free of fur, feathers where the skin is often considered to reduce beauty. Treatment to remove the hair or body hair in order to look more beautiful often done to make it look pretty perfect, following the live beauty pedia gave Smooth Hair Free Skin Tips for Beauty Live and so, healthy.

Number one , Using cream, hair removal cream works from basic follicle pores of our skin. This technique is most appropriate for a fairly wide area, such as in the legs, arms and body, or by using a laser cleaner fur, cost for this method is usually quite large, and the time required is also relatively more. results are quite satisfactory, our skin clean, but it is not permanent.

Feathers grow back within a certain period, depending on the hormone that develops in the body. In this method, a laser beam will illuminate the skin to penetrate the follicle. The resulting heat will destroy the hair follicle and inhibits hair growth temporarily. and make our skin clean, if you have not had time and no budget, we can try a natural way.

Ie with papaya, Papaya is a fruit that contains active enzymes such as papaya. Papaya is able to prevent hair growth. Not only that papaya also helps make the fuzz that exist in the body becomes invisible and helps in exfoliating the skin, making our skin clean of feathers, which makes us look beautiful and healthy, after papaya, we need to try to remove the hair with lemon, lemon can help remove facial hair.

Although not disappear can at least disguise the fur on the area around the face hands and feet, so it looks white and clean of feathers. This is due to the lemon that contains whitening so fur is not too visible.

and the last tips for smooth hair for beauty and healthy is to use honey, honey will be used to remove the hair legs that look less beautiful, makes us fall out and missing feathers so it looks clean and beautiful.

created by : live beauty pedia , #HealthyandBeauty #Tips Healthy

Tips Thighs Slim, beautiful, and look sexy and healthy

Thighs slim, beautiful, and look sexy and healthy, having a slim body is every woman's dream, as well as slim thighs, it will definitely look sexy, and confident when in see someone, after I givetips on how to slimdown this time I give tips and review on how to slim thighs will look sexy and attractive of course stay healthy, the following natural tips to slim thighs, thigh one way to shrink naturally so aesthetically sexy is by exercising.

why to exercise can be said to be useful in minimizing the thigh to the ideal shape quickly, it is because one of the major causes of the causes of the thigh due to accumulation of fat on our thighs, and the amount of fat in the thighs and calves are due to the lack of moving and just relax, so that the fat does not burn and settles on our thighs. and exercise works to burn excess fat in the body.

Exercise does not have to sport a heavy, light enough alone. Some of the sports that you can do to turn down the thigh and calf back to the ideal shape to make it look sexy back and stay healthy, the first exercise is to lift the foot, physical exercise by lying face-down position, and then lift one leg and hold for a few seconds.

Lifting and holding the feet is done alternately, it could be a bit of burning fat in our thighs, so that makes us slimmer thighs, then there are several ways to exercise to burn fat on our thighs among the few things that can be done according to our daily activities.

Suppose that with brisk walking exercise, it would be useful to tighten the muscles in the thigh and the muscles become stronger. shaping our thighs are fat. besides sports is paramount that we keep eating, As I mentioned above the main cause of the magnitude of the thigh that is because our body fat accumulation.

fat in our bodies comes from the food we eat everyday therefore we must keep our diet because it's useless if you already exercise every day to get the ideal shape of the thigh, but all of it will be wasted and you will not get the body you want if you can not maintain your diet, therefore, for those who want a sexy thighs, slim, and healthy, do exercise and also also keep our diet.

so this tips and review from live beauty pedia

created by : live beauty pedia , #Beauty #slim #healthyforlive

Overcome acne , for Healthy and your Beauty Live

Overcome acne
Overcome acne, acne is a disease that is very disturbing, because it makes us less confident in carrying out our activities livestyle fashion, especially women, Acne is a skin disease that is quite a large number of patients, in which the clogged skin pores, causing an inflamed sac of pus , following the live beauty pedia will provide tips to overcome acne and make your face healthy and confident in your style underwent live events.

Tips first, if your face affected by acne, give the egg white, the way is to separate the egg yolk and white take eggs alone. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for a few minutes. The egg white will help reduce oil on the face which often cause acne because acne comes from the oil on your face, so you can try to give the egg whites, so that the oil is reduced, and how to treat facial acne in order not to appear Cange Skin Beauty and is to take care of our skin beauty , guarding against dust, hygiene care Always face every day of dirt and dust on the road. For us that is always active and dealing with road dust, then diligent cleaning your face before and after the activity.

As and do not forget to consume eat vegetables and drink water and can also use the tomatoes, the tomato fruit is in addition good for eye health is also good and very effective at removing blackheads blackheads black. The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over your face with acne and leave for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water, so that our face look fresh,

Or can also use aloe vera Caution do not use the tongue Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut some parts, take the rest of the aloe vera on the skin, apply on the acne that appears, and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, may be able to dry up acne pimples us, and also can remove acne scars is, in a few days, so we have to be continue to use the aloe vera leaf, and the last that we face healthy and free from acne so visible aura of beauty, we can use garlic, to soften the garlic until fairly smooth and then applied to the facial acne, and most importantly, the diet in the guard, and not to lack of water.

so , this tips to Overcome acne , from live beauty pedia , beauty for your live

created by : live beauty pedia #skin #Beauty #Overcome acne

Thursday, 13 November 2014

How to create a bright face and confident

How to create a bright face and confident, has a beautiful face and glowing certainly is the desire of every woman to look beautiful, healthy and confident when fashion, skin beautiful face of Hollywood celebrities, which is a dream of every person, following the live beauty pedia will provide tips, about how to brighten the face, easy way to brighten dull skin, less oily shine radiant and naturally, in a way to brighten dull and oily face naturally this course.

 we can perform maintenance on the face in a proper manner so as to face brightens dull and oily in quite easy and short. face dull and lacking shine beauty is usually caused because, unhealthy lifestyle can also cause the skin to become dull and greasy, the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle is certainly not the only risk to the health of the body but can also impact on the health of our skin becomes dull and do not shine, then it could be due to our environment, the immediate environment can also be a cause of dull and oily skin.  

particles that exist in the unhealthy environment of course can be easily attached to the surface of our skin that lead to dull skin. and some bacteria present in the air in an unhealthy environment. These free radicals that can trigger skin dull and damage the health of the skin itself and cause hormonal us unstable so that the skin produces excess oil.  

And most importantly, because we are not drinking, Lack of drinking water is also one of the causes of dull and oily face. Water is needed by the body to moisturize the skin naturally. If the body is dehydrated certainly not the water that comes out through the pores of the skin, but the oils causing our skin dull and not shining. So with something like this skin appear greasy.  

The following are tips to overcome the dullness, the first is the removal of dead skin Exfoliate or very important to get a smooth face without blackheads and look beautiful. each do a few days removing dead skin to make it look beautiful, and then after that use masks, to lift the debris and provide vitamins to the skin so that it becomes a beautiful face, use a face mask

Choose a mask that suits your skin condition. For example, for sensitive skin, cucumber finger mask will help to cool and relax the face after activity, and do not forget to drink 8 liters a day so that moisture is maintained.

 so , this tips and review from live beauty pedia 

Created by : live beauty pedia , #beauty , #healthy, #fashion

Overcoming body odor for perfect beauty tips

body odor is sometimes make us less confident, it also marks a lot of bacteria in our bodies, this time a live beauty pedia gives healthy and beauty tips to overcome them, as we have seen, that the body odor is caused by bacteria that mixes with sweat. Body odor is also called the bromhidrosis or sometimes also known by the name bromidrosis, Sweat produced from a gland that is in our bodies that accrine and apocrine glands.

Both of these glands has a function to the difference with the other nodes, to overcome, in a natural way, using betel leaf, betel leaves one of the benefits is to eliminate body odor really easy way.

Provide at least 30 sheets or more which could be important if we think enough. Mix with enough water. Then heat until the water is really boiling. After that mix the betel cooking water with cold water to the cooking water is not too hot.

After that, wash with boiled water betel leaf. Do this regularly, bathe with water betel leaf has been known to eliminate body odor, then you can also try using a fruit / vegetable cucumber, cucumber for healthy and beauty for fashion but delicious cucumber in addition we also make friends sauce as fresh vegetables, are also useful for facial beauty we can also use it to eliminate body odor how to cut cucumber crosswise then apply to underarms after bathing.

then it could also use lemon, lemon lot of benefits to health, and beauty, Grab some lemons and cut, the lemon fruit and then sprinkle the surface of the piece of lemon slices earlier with whiting to taste after blended then spread to the armpit in order to neutralize the odor of our bodies, and the latest tips from the live beauty pedia, ginger is by drinking water, if we often use ginger to warm, however we can also use ginger as a medicine to treat body odor.

We can also take ginger regularly to avoid body odor. in addition to the tips we also need to maintain the cleanliness of our bodies to look beauty and healthy and confident when conducting fashion. so , this tips from live beauty pedia.

Created by : live beauty pedia , 2014 , live healthy , beauty and fashion , image by : femina.co.id

Eliminate dandruff, for healthy and fashion

Eliminate dandruff, for healthy and fashion, Dandruff, who never dandruff, dandruff is flaking of dead skin cells on the scalp, and the small pieces of white that appears on the scalp is accompanied by itching.

Dandruff and it also includes one hair problem that is often experienced by many people, and almost everyone has experienced problems with dandruff. Actually, dandruff can be removed easily, if we take proper care to eliminate them. 

Following this, a live beauty pedia, will give you tips to eliminate dandruff, below. the first to use Baking soda is just a very useful thing to have in the house. and It makes a huge role in many natural home remedies, and can help to overcome dandruff for a number of reasons. 

First, gently exfoliate skin excess. It also kills or acts as a fungicide, and mushrooms are generally available on the scalp can cause dandruff everyone, then by using vinegar, vinegar can be used to get rid of dandruff? yes, of course, white vinegar dandruff reliever is excellent for tried and practiced at home.  How to mix a cup of white vinegar with water, then pour or pour on the scalp after shampooing and then let stand a few minutes, scrub and rinse with clean water.

 The following way, using salt, salt can also be used to eliminate dandruff? yes, of course, is not just for cooking in the kitchen course seasoning, salt useful to eliminate excessive dandruff. It's easy, just by taking salt before washing the hair, then sprinkle salt on the scalp evenly, then rubbing salt to seep into the entire surface of the scalp.

 the last way, is a natural way to use the sun, how? by way of basking in the sun, There is a possibility that the dry weather in the winter can cause dandruff due to lack of sunlight. because the light might help drain some of the excess oil, or maybe get a bit of time outside in the sun can make people healthier overall. Whatever the actual reason is, there is something to be tried

so , this article about , Eliminate dandruff, for healthy and fashion .

created by : live beauty pedia , 2014 , beauty , healthy and fashion

Tips how to Eliminate underarm hair, for Healthy and beauty

Eliminate underarm hair, beauty for fashion, especially for women underarm hair, it is very disturbing, make less confident when appearing fashion, but keep calm, live beauty pedia will provide to remove underarm hair, make it look pretty, and more confident in a fashion, which the easiest is to shave, Shaving is the easiest way that we can try to remove underarm hair, but unfortunately it will not last long.

 If friends want to know how to shave is good and right, so it does not become black armpit and injuries, should friends can follow the following ways.

Before shaving, give a little cream or shaving foam on the armpit friends, or by using a bit of shampoo. Make sure the razor sharp and new, then shave with the way the direction of hair growth, and do it slowly so as not to hurt and blackened, and stay healthy.

then by using hair removal cream can we buy at the nearest drug store for fashion. By using this hair removal cream, friends will be free from her armpits in a few weeks, but in use it should be careful friends. Because if it does not match the skin companions this cream will cause irritation to the skin.

then the second step we do in a natural way, ie by applying a mask yam or using pieces of lemon and cucumber, shredded cucumber to taste, then mix with the lemon, then rub evenly on the armpits and let stand in the armpit and let stand for a few minutes. Do it at night so that a maximum visible results.

can also use turmeric or saffron puree then just take the water and mix it with water whiting. way can eliminate underarm hair turmeric can apply on your underarms after you pluck the feathers so that no hairy armpits do not grow anymore even to permanent. so , this tips  Eliminate underarm hair, beauty for fashion.

created by : live beauty pedia , 2014 , live helthy , beauty and fashion

Sunday, 9 November 2014

tips how to care for the skin for healthy beauty for fashion

how to care for the skin for healthy beauty for fashion, taking care of our skin, so beautiful and pretty to look at, following the live beauty pedia give tips how, so that we look good while doing fashion and stay healthy, the first to use a moisturizer, choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. You should try the product first.

 Avoid areas of facial skin, apply a little product on the side of the neck that can be covered with hair if you have a reaction. Once passed the tests and the results are good, you can continue the product. If the product contains easy irritating retinol or alpha hydroxy acids to keep using basic cleaning without antioxidants and cause flaking.

whereas for the natural way, is to use lemon, lime also has properties to remove dead skin cells so that the skin can be more subtle. Leather wedges are also used in cosmetics for body care. You can rub lemon juice in a dry spot. Do not forget to use lotion after a bath or a moisturizer that has the function of our body skin retain moisture. Find a moisturizer that contains natural ingredients for dry skin treatment. Use after a bath or when going to sleep. Large pores appear due to clogging dead skin and oil. The quickest way to fix this is to use a in the night.

in addition, other causes of dry skin is due to lack of cleaner in the care of the body so it is still a lot of dirt. Perform routine to cleanse the body. Use a good herbal soap to wipe the body, because the soaps that contain chemicals can make the skin dry.

and for the skin care at night, use a lotion for our skin stay moist and not dry, and choose a good and suitable lotion for our skin, because skin care Doing good and right is not really easy, all it requires attention, effort and patience in treating facial skin or skin. So what friends want can be realized easily.

or can use the following fruits,
Potatoes have benefits as bleach cells damaged by sunburn and eliminate the black bags under the eyes, for the excellent potato is used to treat skin. and Papaya fruit other than either is used for digestion, is also beneficial to rejuvenate facial skin. Benefits of papaya fruit is very well known that it can prevent wrinkles on the face and can delete dead skin cells. so , this tips.

created by : live beauty pedia , 2014 , live healthy , beauty, and fashion 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Caring Dentistry For Beautiful and Healthy

Caring Dentistry For Beautiful and healthy, have beautiful teeth, white, strong and healthy and makes us confident in our style of fashion, the first step is to clean the oral cavity of us, by the way, Dentistry is a very important organ in us remember his role as a food grinder. Dental health is very necessary to be maintained. Because these organs are often in contact with the bacteria as the mouth is the entrance of bacteria and viruses into the body.

Removes plaque on the surface of your teeth by brushing your teeth right and optimal. Brushing technique is most easily done, yet effective cleaning plaque is in a circular motion making a big circle on the surface of the tooth front tooth surface facing the lip and tooth surface facing the cheek.
As for the inside of the tooth the part of the tooth surface facing the tongue and palate brushed with the movement of pulling out, and at the top teeth brushed with a back and forth motion. Every surface of the teeth brushed for 10 rounds or movements. Do it slowly and brushing teeth with light pressure.

Recommended use toothpaste and a soft toothbrush and still good, Cavities may be caused because you often forget the time to brush your teeth at least two times a day that must be done. Hence, the suggestion to prevent increased severity of existing holes in our teeth, which can increase the sheet is to regularly brush their teeth. In fact, when the pain of tooth decay can be prevented by brushing your teeth regularly. There are some people who use to take care of cavities that start as soon as possible pain with brushing teeth., then Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride. When is the right time to brush your teeth? After breakfast and before bed. Once a week, gargle with mouthwash. This can help prevent plaque and tartar. then by consuming foods that contain calcium, consuming Consuming calcium source to repair cavities. How to treat tooth decay can be best if taken with intensive dental care. Consumption of high-calcium food sources that can help and support internally repair your cavities. Consult your dentist or an obligatory way you should do while you apply to take care of cavities, fashion style and healthy in order to keep us awake. so, this article about Caring Dentistry For Beautiful and Healthy , hopefully help you.

created by ; live beauty pedia , 2014 , healthy, beauty and fashion

Tips Pedikur And Manikur Nails for Beauty Fashion

Beautiful nails is the dream, a beautiful and healthy makes us proud, and praised, following the live beauty pedia gives tips healthy and beauty for making nails beautiful , pedicure manicure nails are doing the cleaning in all parts of our nails, For nails so shiny that good is to use natural ingredients. Natural materials will be able to keep the moisture needed for nail nails look more shiny and more beautiful. Doing a self-cleaning is very important for girls, it can clean up by giving vitamins to your nails, by way of vitamins or Apply special nail cream, massaging the area around the nails of hands and feet, or it could with immediate clean up this way, Clean toenails and hands with nail polish and nail scissors slightly curved shape and miserly sharp tip and then rub the surface of the scrub on the soles of the feet and hands to be more subtle
to care for us in a way toenails, soak the feet and hands in a bowl of warm water and hand brush toenails slowly with a soft brush and dry with a soft towel, after the beautiful, and give your nails vitamins back so strong, and the drink was milk calcium food served to strengthen the nail so it is not easily broken, it could also use lemon juice, way is easy, take a lemon and slice into pieces. Use slices to clean the nail surface until clean. After that, allow for some time before cleaning with clean water. 
Not only nails so shiny,  or use garlic to strengthen nails, Garlic is proven to make your nails stronger and not easily broken. It is already broken and it is very different from people who do not use this method. The way you cut it and put just enough garlic to your nails and rub it on the top of the nail. Do it this way repeatedly to get strong nails with a maximum.

as garlic, there was also using starfruit, starfruit Carambola is a kind of star fruit that tastes very sour. Due to the acidic nature makes starfruit can be used to treat the nails so shiny. The trick is to divide starfruit, then rub it over the surface of the nail until it is clean and shiny , 

 You can also soak the nails as much as once a week for more flex nails that are not easily broken. and making humidity natural fingernails will also be maintained in this way. In addition, the hand may appear shiny nails naturally beautiful with the help of olive oil.

after attempting to use a lemon, you can also try using watermelon rind, watermelon skin is not edible. But watermelon rind can be used as one way of taking care of the nails so shiny. The trick is to rub the skin above Permutation watermelon nails. After that wait for the water to dry before sticking watermelon cleaned using clean water, can make your nails stronger and cleaner. so hopefully useful tips for Pedikur And Manikur Nails for Beauty Fashion , and you can look stunning because it has beautiful nails.

created article by : live beauty pedia  | 2014 | healthy and beauty tips , fashion

Monday, 3 November 2014

Save Hair Style Tips for healthy and fashion

Hair Style Tips for fashion
have a beautiful hair is the dream of all people, especially women, have healthy hair and strong to enhance the appearance her fashion, and made himself at flattered, following the live beauty pedia will provide hair care tips so beautiful and healthy and appealing to fashion,
The first is by using aloe vera leaves (lidah Buaya), because
Benefits of aloe vera can provide extra protection on your hair, so your hair stronger and healthier. For those of you who want to have strong and healthy hair, then do it by way of shampooing hair care shampoo with an added aloe vera. Do this treatment on a regular basis and we can see the results.
Can be used as a natural condisioner for hair Besides can be used as an extra shampoo, aloe vera also you can make natural condisioner for hair. Condisioner using material from the aloe vera plant can make your hair softer and easier to set up, but it can make your scalp feel cool. How to use that, you simply apply the gel contained in the flesh of aloe vera on your hair evenly. Can grow hair and baldness overcome those of you who experience hair loss due to severe hair loss due to your hair, it would not hurt if you try this with the benefits of aloe vera. With regular use of aloe vera, is believed to nourish and grow your hair back naturally. For those of you who are curious, you can perform this treatment. To do that, puree the meat and rub aloe vera on your scalp thoroughly. After that, let stand, then wipe. Do this treatment on a regular basis so that results maximum . have overcome dandruff scalp, not too often and Minimize use of styling products such as mousse, gel and hair spray, because it could tarnish the luster of the hair and hair Avoid chlorine substances. For example, wet the hair before swimming. Once after swimming
besides using aloe vera can also use shampoo conditioner so that your hair healthy.
If our hair is healthy we can choose our hair fashion with young

hair style tips, tips for you, the face of the liver:
If you want to look beautiful, and gracefully to style your hair,

not everyone is suited to a particular hairstyle. But everybody wants to look fit and beautiful with a haircut.

It was difficult, to Determine a suitable hairstyle for ourselves, especially for women WHO want to look beautiful with her hair in order to be an attraction for men. , Consider the following tips, the first

Short hair will be reinforce the shape of your face, while the medium hairstyle and length will give a good balance on a firm jaw and a pointed chin. and to complete the first tips,

I added how to care for your hair in order to fit the style of your hair after you stay healthy, you have to do is, use a special shampoo for colored hair. Do not rub too hard when shampooing hair to keep it shiny, Avoid hair from chlorine substances. For example, wet the hair before swimming. Once after swimming, rinse clean as possible, so hopefully help you look beautiful

created by: livebeautypedia

Tips to Slim naturally for healthy and beauty tips

Tips to Slim naturally for healthy and fashion
Your Body Fat? or Not Ideal for Attractive Appear At Fashion? live beautypedia following review and give tips about how to create the ideal body for health and beauty tips for fashion. Tips to Slim naturally, by exercising, sports is a way to make a diet more smoothly. before you want a slim body, select and decide how much weight you want, this is one of the most important things, you have to plan and make decisions, how the target weight you want to achieve and how you can keep it. Think before acting, plan before doing anything. it can help you and motivate you to lose weight. The program is mostly done as seen safer than an instant way. In addition, exercise is a very good thing to get into a more healthy body. one of the sport is run, the Run has Become one of the favorite sport of many people.

Not only as a physical activity, running is also popular as a lifestyle, Running is a sport that is are relatively cheap and easy to do just about everybody In addition to maintaining a healthy heart, Also ran Effectively lose weight fast because of the high intensity. When the active leg muscles, the body burns more calories, improve your mood and reduce stress. then the two sports to swim, Swimming is one of the favorite types of exercise for many people.

Pool will move the entire body and muscles in the body. You can do this exercise in a public swimming pool, a fitness center or a private pool. and do not forget to maintain a healthy diet to get into shape, the first to Consider is the proper food consumption.

and this important doing cardio exercise, Cardio Exercise Integrating and weight training is the way to lose weight is a powerful and well tested. each exercise emphasizes the muscles and increases the heart rate will always help you lose weight and keep it off. and after this , Our body relies heavily on water, everybody knows it. Do not forget to bring a bottle of water for your workout, and take a few sips after every 2-3 minutes of exercise avoid consuming drinks containing soda. Avoid food and junk food. Fast food is a major factor of obesity weight. Because in one portion alone is a lot of calories needed by the body in one day. Carbonated beverages are a small attar contains 250 calories coming from sugar. Own sugar levels stimulate excessive appetite.

if that had been experienced with exercise, we can try to buy drugs for healthy fashion, to make us slim body, slimming look for products made from herbal ingredients, namely green tea extract, rose, jasmine, hawthorn, orange flower blossom, mulberry, leaves of the lotus leaf and cassia seed.

Slimming capsule slimming drugs not only as a way of naturally slimming capsule slimming course but also be able to lose weight, slimming the body, shrink the stomach, thighs, legs and other body parts quickly naturally, without exercise, and safe with no side effects. so, this tips for healthy and fashion, hopefully help , you for your fashion and beauty live.

images : waspada.co.id , created article and publish : livebeautypedia | 2014

How to Thicken Eyelashes for Healthy and Beauty Tips

How to Thicken Eyelashes for Healthy and beauty tips
How to thicken Eyelashes With Natural Way, to be more beautiful is the desire of every human being, especially the women, especially the eyelashes, long eyelashes and tapering enchanting is every woman's dream. Various cosmetic products and expensive treatments were tried to get gorgeous lashes, following the live beauty pedia, will review about healthy eyelashes and beauty tips , fashion to keep up appearances.

number one.

pace, the First, by using olive oil. The trick, you can take a drop of olive oil to give a tip to the lashes. Do it carefully and insist that all flat. Then, you can wash the eyelashes in the morning. How to thicken eyelashes second one is using oil, the which has long been known making and long tapering hair. How to use almost the same as the first way, it's just that you have to use a soft brush to rub it. can also use the oil from the leaves of aloe vera, then break aloe vera gel and rub her in betel leaves. Allow five minutes, then apply a gel that has been mixed with betel sap was on the lashes.
Let stand for about two hours. Wash your lashes with new betel leaf that has been dipped in warm water.

number two.
Also You should regularly clean up after it is wearing makeup, especially for eyelashes, you can use special cleaners so lashes do not fall out due to exposure to the side effects of your product. Lastly, if you use an eyelash curler, then do not be too hard pressed for later lashes do not fall out.

and number three and the last.
using the aloe vera leaf, to make it more dense and sweet black and using vitamin E roomates Incidentally can stimulate the growth of eyelashes. The trick, you can buy vitamin E capsules and you take it. After that, you can put it on the eyelashes, but before the application of vitamin E is added with a few drops of water.

but if you want a teal and tapering eyelashes, you can visit and healthy fashion store, to buy fake eyelashes that look good and dazzle quickly, but you should choose lashes for fashion, If you want to instantly lengthen and nourish the eyelashes, may be you can try to use the gel for the lash extender. How to lengthen lashes with gel've ever tried and proven carefully, and successfully, you can buy gels grower and stimulants fur, reliable and reputed source also had a shunt that there are some products that are not only useful gel in order to stimulate the growth of eyelashes longer, but also can make it grow thicker more, of course, be more healthy and more beautiful. so interesting, because there is a difference between a false eyelash with fashion eyelashes, false eyelashes fashion eyelashes differences is not intended for everyday use, so it usually has a color and a shape that exceeds the ordinary. Anybody would know that eyelashes used was false. False eyelashes is intended only for art and festive event / party.

images by : vemale.com | created article by : livebeautypedia.blogspot.com | 2014

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